• 伦敦杀戮第一季图片
    • 伦敦杀戮第一季

    • 主演:Claire Fryer,Sarah-Louise Hawk
    • 状态:完结
    • 导演:Craig,Pickles,Fiona,Walton,Sean,Glynn
    • 类型:剧情,犯罪,美国,欧美
    • 简介:With the world's most recognizable city as its...


    2019年导演Craig,Pickles,Fiona,Walton,Sean,Glynn携手“”等主创团队发布了《伦敦杀戮第一季》的首映会,与此同时在英国上映了伦敦杀戮第一季的英语版高清视频! 正片表示:“伦敦杀戮第一季是一部精彩绝伦的欧美剧剧集,从一开邀请Claire Fryer,Sarah-Louise Hawkins,Paul Marquess,Jake Riddell,Sally Tatchell等演员加盟我就隐约觉得这必将是一部佳作!”



    With the world's most recognizable city as its backdrop, LONDON KILLS will dramatize the experiences of a team of top murder detectives. Slick, modern and fast moving, the series will be shot like a cutting-edge documentary. Each episode of LONDON KILLS will focus on a different murder following the detectives as they uncover the truth behind the killing but will also have a se...

    奇异影院免费提供伦敦杀戮第一季英语版下载,剧情,犯罪,美国,欧美用户还搜索了 雨果·斯皮尔,莎朗·斯莫,Bailey,Patrick,托里·艾伦-马丁,珍妮-雅克,Lee,Byford,露丝·霍洛克斯,麦米·麦考伊,阿德里安娜·贝托拉,Steve,Broad,Stephen,Hawke,莎芙蓉·霍金,Jeanette,Maskell,Jack,Shalloo,Glenn,Webster
